Sunday, December 12, 2010

Brave and Positive

It has been 3 months I din't update my blog. Such a long time, am I such busy? I wonder...

Just reading the backlog of my dear friend updates on his recent life. Life turned out to be unexpected. But the 3 months time did give some space for the transitions. From feeling sucks.. to have accepted and keep on going...

Brave and positive, my dear friend...

Yesterday I was in Old Town meeting friends and having some chit chat. Got to know everyone gradually starts working, or have been working for quite some months ever since coming out from college. Joining the industry and working as an official employee is different from a trainee. Commitment, responsibility and accountability. They won't go far from every freshie who join their very first placement in the real working life. They are heavy, and some may feel it heavier, and some have already feel it at the extreme end of taking all the unexpected heavy loads of commitment and responsibilities bosses throw on them. After all, if I think I'm at the extreme end, then I may now quietly shift to the mild level. OT till 10pm is still not the worst, they are people who works harder than me, yet they are taking it positively, why can't me?

Brave and positive, again, my dear friends...

1 month earlier my dad wasn't feeling so good after the treatment stopped for quite some time. I know he felt terrible from the wary face and tiny body. He was hospitalised last week, extracting accumulated 'water' from his heart. He is painful, so do I. I feel like crying if I were able to have some free hours, even during the few minutes coffee break I grant myself for continuous working on the desk. Yet my dad is enduring it with patience, gave words of hope every time we went home...

Brave and positive, my dearest papa...

After all, I have shifted from the deadly end of darkness and gradually see lights in my life... all because of you all.. thank you~